Monday, September 7, 2015

Downloading The Soul

One of my readers wrote me asking me what I meant in the last post by the statement:
With every upgrade we are being downloaded with codes of information that are not only increasing our awareness but are also creating the template for the activation of our true essence, our soul self to be anchored in.

“Codes” of information come in from higher dimensional reality; the centre of our galaxy- the great central sun- and are stepped down by our sun for transmission and assimilation by the human vehicle. We experience this as shifting in our bodies and brains with various symptoms from exhaustion, headaches, brain fog, vertigo and many other experiences. We start to have more mystical experiences, heightened intuitive and psychic ability, receiving divine guidance/information -a sense of “knowing” without knowing how we know something. These “upgrades” are transforming our physical being, activating dormant strands of DNA code which are awakening the human biology to embody the light body. This “template”-our etheric blueprint- is coming online in the physical reality. The light body could be explained as the higher self/intelligence, which is encoded with all aspects of the soul with all the experiences and learning of a souls evolution intact.
These changes are part of the evolutionary process. The spiritual awareness and abilities that we will experience are the same as what the ascended masters, our guides and teachers, demonstrate as well as some ancient civilizations who had full conscious awareness of their spiritual gifts and multi dimensional origins. There have been civilizations/ ages before the one we are currently experiencing that were far more advanced. 

Much of this information has been lost, destroyed or kept hidden with the intention of keeping humanity from knowing its true origins. The creation of various religions was a part of the manipulation and control of the human population, creating separation/ factions and distorted fear based teachings that have become ingrained in the modern human psyche.
The higher sense human abilities were blocked and shut down thousands of years ago creating a slave race, The DNA was tampered with, manipulated to function partially…most humans only access a small portion of what the brain is capable of -10% -and this is largely due to an inactive pineal gland. In the modern times most pineal glands are calcified from diet, chemical poisoning- pesticides, pharma, aspertame (and the many other chemicals in chewing gum), gmo foods and so forth. 

The Pineal gland is how we are able to connect to God, our soul and multi dimensional reality; without its proper functioning we cannot access our soul or fully embody the soul. We have become a race of beings operating at “half mast” from a narrow limited perspective, dis- empowered and unable to fully self realize. This is changing with the current shifts occurring in the universe. The old souls -indigos starseeds and crystals who have incarnated from other star systems as well as the earth realm are already “hard wired” with many of the higher sensory abilities which is what sets them apart from the masses (no judgment here -these souls are just coming in from a different level of evolution- all souls will eventually be at this place and beyond as the evolutionary cycles never end) and why they are here to teach and assist humanities’ evolution at this time. These beings came in with a more advanced operating system, one that will activate in all humans but is currently dormant for most.
There are more senses then we are currently, in general, tapped into. The human race has been disconnected and lost from source for thousands of years functioning from the lower 3 base chakras, from the Ego self.

We are shifting from a 26000 year cycle into a new cycle, transitioning to the next “level”, going up an octave, moving up the evolutionary spiral and this is affecting the entire universe-other races of beings in other planetary systems are also evolving along with the earth- all life is evolving. We are living in a time of tremendous opportunity to grow, evolve and advance to a much higher state of being with access to other dimensions of reality and joining our galactic families. New skills and abilities are available which we will have access to effortlessly; for example the ability to communicate using telepathy, instant creation/manifestation, conscious control over all aspects of our lives including the physical vessel. Meaning we can control our biology- self heal and expand the length and vitality of our lives through thought/intention, right use of will and energy, as well as alternative health practices and new quantum energy based technologies. At this level of creation everything becomes a conscious choice, a co-creative experience rather than a series of unaware, unconscious, un-empowered choices and their subsequent mis-creations (hardships/suffering/pain) and Karma. We have the choice now to end the endless karmic cycle through, right thought, right speech, right action.

 This is a time where we have the opportunity to empower ourselves by living in harmony with the laws of the universe and embodying our multi dimensional selves. The external world- that we have created- is non- sustainable and a primitive world of the past. Those in power are desperately hanging on to the old and trying to maintain something that cannot be maintained. As they say...change is the only constant...and it is inevitable. The old paradigm, the Piscean patriarchy ended in 2012 and the new age, the long awaited age of Aquarius -the golden age of spiritual consciousness, balance, love and harmony- is being implemented/awakened stage by stage. It feels like a slow process to many of us but in the bigger picture these changes are happening rapidly. 

The world will be a very different place in the future as we ascend; becoming a race of heart centered self -realized beings living in harmony with all life on the earth and beyond. We must have a willingness to be authentic, to seek the truth, to do the inner work and be to be of service. Each and every soul will come to this place eventually. Exciting times on planet earth!

Words Copyright A Starchild 2015
Artwork - Mahavatar Babaji Artist-Unknown 

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